
Altered Elements News

Pyrite with Quartz Crystals Chemical Composition: FeS2 Astrological Sign of Leo     This crystal possesses a defending quality and is an excellent preventive, shielding one from many forms of negative energy. Simply having a piece of Pyrite on ones person brings in the protective, shielding aspect of this stone which...

Labradorite Flame Chemical Composition: (Ca,Na)(Si,Al)4O8 Astrological Signs of Sagittarius, Scorpio, & Leo       Labradorite is a type of Plagioclase Feldspar which crystallizes in the form of masses, grains, and tabular crystals. Often, a display of spectral colours, due to the interference of light rays from the plate-like composition, causes...

Cavansite "Ca-V-Si" Crystal    Chemical Composition: Ca (V+4O)Si4O10 • 4H2O10 Locality: India Astrological Sign of Aquarius     Cavansite has been used to stimulate intuition, to instill second-sight, and to activate channeling abilities. It is an excellent stone for psychic healing and to provide protection during same such that the dis-ease will...

Hemimorphite (Blue Hemimorphic Crystals) Chemical Composition: Zn4Si2O7 (OH)2 • H2O Locality: China Astrological Sign of Libra   This mineral can be used to decrease "self-centerdness" and to encourage the state of egoless-ness while facilitating the staying power of the self. It allows one to take responsibility for happiness or unhappiness, for...

Vanadinite Mineral (Prismatic Crystals) Chemical Composition: Pb5 (VO4)3Cl Locality: Taouz Mine, Morocco Astrological Sign of Virgo     Vanadinite, a member of the Apatite group, crystallizes in the form of globular masses, barrel shaped crystals, acicular crystals, hair like formations, and prismatic and, rarely, as hollow prismatic crystals. The colour range...

Amethyst Stalactite Crystal (The Stone of Sobriety) Chemical Composition: SiO2 with Manganese Astrological Sign of Pisces, Virgo, Aquarius, & Capricorn Locality: Peru     Amethyst is a "stone of spirituality and contentment". It facilitates transmutation of lower energies into the higher frequencies of both the spiritual and ethereal levels. It is representative...

Chalcedony Crystal Chemical Composition: SiO2 Astrological Sign of Cancer & Sagittarius     Chalcedony is considered to be a variety of Quartz. It is either transparent, translucent, or opaque. It occurs as stalactites, in botryoidal form, and in the lining of cavities of rocks, and is a cryptocrystalline variety of...

Staurolite Crystals (The Fairy Stone) Chemical Composition: (Fe2+,Mg,Fe3+)4Al17O13 [(Si,Al)O4]8 (OH)3 Locality: Madagascar Astrological Sign of Pisces   The mineral, although known for centuries, was first reported in 1792 by J.C. Delamethrie and was named from the Greek word "stauros", meaning "cross" referring to the cruciform twin crystallization analyzed.     This mineral is a talisman of...

Tuesday – Saturday: 11am – 6pm

Thursday Evening Meditation starts at about 7PM

Sunday, Monday: Closed
