
Date change for Seraphim Blueprint Advanced healing

Date change for Seraphim Blueprint Advanced healing

Seraphim Blueprint Advanced Healing class Date Change to Saturday October 15, 2016.  October 8 is now Seraphim Blueprint Level 4


Seraphim Blueprint
Advanced Healing class October 15, 2016

Prerequisite Seraphim Blueprint Levels 1-3


Many have asked what is the Seraphim Blueprint Advanced Healing class, This course helps us gain deeper access to the Life Force Energy and the Divine Harmonizing Energy we received in Level 1.  If you are using Level 1 to send healing to others this increases the “number of tools in your toolbox,”  expanding the ability to respond to individual needs offering a greater variety of solutions. Different healing modalities, ie Reiki, Theta Healing, Esoteric Healing, Reconnection, Emotion Code, or Shamanic Healing etc. you use that are not Seraphim Blueprint can be synergistically fused with Level 1 to create an even stronger capacity to help others.  This would include even the blessings and guidance from living or ascended Masters and also other angelic healing frequencies.

There is emphasis on heart based healing which includes divine connection involving Gratitude. This advanced healing directs us to understand the energetic difference in sending healing to dying people.  This one is very dear.  There is strengthening of the use of the ball of energy that comes out of your hands and how to energetically direct it for optimum healing.  Additionally there is the gridwork to incorporate healing for several people at one time.

One of my favorites is the fact that you can not energize a whole handful of crystals at one time with Seraphim Blueprint.  I love this because I can then spread them around to continue the projecting transmission of Seraphim healing where ever I put the crystals. This does not describe the complete course but it gives you a nice understanding of this advanced level received by Alex Brandin.

9:30 to 5:00 one day class…  $180.00.

Level 4 is October 8
Level 5 is October 22
Level 6 is October 29

I hope everyone is doing wonderful.

As always make sure to tune in to Altered-Elements.com for the latest events, classes, new products, specials and more! If you have any questions you can always email me at Lucy@Altered-Elements.com or call us at (239)-430-0654.

Love and Light,
Lucy Finch


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Tuesday – Saturday: 11am – 6pm

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