03 Feb Seraphinite Crystal
Posted at 22:29h
in Crystals Rocks, Minerals Fossils and Specimens, New Crystals, New Metaphysical
Seraphinite Crystal (Clinochlore)
Chemical Composition: Mg32+(Mg2 2+Al)(Si3AlO10)(OH)8
Locality: Siberia, Russia
Astrological Sign of Taurus
This crystal is the most common of all Chlorite minerals. Clinochlore can be used to enhance cohesiveness in relationships and to heal on all levels. The Chlorite faction in the mineral is one of the best healing crystals for the physical, emotional, and mental bodies. It also helps one to achieve complete independence, yet allows one to exhibit companionship and diplomacy.
Clinochlore is especially helpful during confinement to provide a comforting energy and to assist in stabilizing ones condition.
During the meditative state, this crystal has produced celestial contact with the highest order of angels, with information imparted which was extremely relevant and of vast importance to the users. Used at the crown chakra, it has aligned the chakras and has bestowed a centering effect.–LOVE IS IN THE EARTH THE CRYSTAL AND MINERAL ENCYCLOPEDIA THE LIITE FANTASTIC AND THE LAST TESTAMENT By: MELODY
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